Our Products

Health Benefits

Glowing Skin

Cleopatra took milk baths to help her skin stay soft, supple and glowing.

Healthy Bones & Teeth

Milk is a great source of calcium, which is essential for healthy bones.


Milk contains protein, which helps to rebuild muscles. Drink a glass of milk after you exercise to give your body what it needs to recover

Weight Loss

Studies show that women who drink low-fat or skim milk lose more weight than those who exclude milk from their diet.

Less Stress

Milk is a great way to de-stress at the end of the day. A glass of warm milk will help to relax tense muscles and soothe frayed nerves.

Healthy Body

Milk has properties that lower high blood pressure & risk of strokes. It reduces the liver's production of cholesterol & it can act as an antacid.

About Devbhog

Chhattisgarh State Cooperative Dairy Federation is one of the largest Cooperative Dairy Federation in Chhattisgarh, owned and managed by milk producers of Chhattisgarh State. The State Dairy Federation was formed in the year 2013 which was previously known as Raipur Dudgh Sangh (a part of MPCDF of undivided Madhaya Pradesh). There after its business was taken over by Federation to set up TWO TIER SYSTEM and soon planning for THREE TIRE SYSTEM based on Anand Pattern.

Chhattisgarh is one of the most progressive states of Republic of India. In the domain of dairy development it is well known for its productive milch cattle. The economy of the state is predominantly based on agriculture. People rear and breed cattle as a subsidiary occupation.